Chords by: Kristine Mae M.B Twitter @kriz_23 | Instagram @kristinemaeb **I?m looking for the chords of this song on the net but I can?t find any guitar chords for this song so I decided to play this by ear, I don?t know if this is the exact chords of the song, but it will sound alike when you play the song by this chord. Hope you?ll like it. for any comments/suggestions message me on my facebook page: {Intro) {e| |-10--------------|----------------|----------------|----------------| {B| |----8-10-12-13-12|-10--12-13------|-13-13--15-13---|-12-10-12--8-10-| {G| |-----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------| {D| |-----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------| {A| |-----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------| {E| |-----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------| Chords: C G Am G Em F C (Am) F G C G Am Em F C Dm G C keep repeating all throughout the song?. Oh boy, I love you so And I will never let you go 'Cause you mean everything to me I just wanna let you to hold me in your arms Forever I love you so And I will never let you go ?Cause you know You?re everything I want Everything I need Everything to me verse 1: I remember the first day When love just came to me It was the time when I met you It was love at first sight When I got to know you better I know for sure it?s more than that I?m singing Chorus: