Come On And Fill Me Up chords

Tim White


Simplify chords 

  			Verse 1:
C          F                C 
Oh Lord, I need you ev'ryday 
                                 G F G 
That we'd be close is what I pray 
C            G  F 
Come take my hand, come be my guide 
C           G 
Oh Lord, I need you to be 
Right here by my side 
Right here by my side 
     C       Dm      F                G 
Come on, and fill me up with your love 
     C       Dm      F G 
Come on, and fill me up 
Em           F    G               Am 
I want your love deep down in my heart 
G          F      G 
So come on, and fill me up 
Verse 2:
Oh Lord, you're showing me the way
And I will follow you each day
Your ways are right, your words are true
Oh help me follow them so I can be like
I want to be like you
©1988 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing (Admin. by Music Services)
All rights reserved. International copyright secured.
You found it at E-Chords
Submitted By: David Campbell
Ontario Canada

C chordF chordG chordDm chordEm chordAm chord