Don't Tear It Down chords

Spy vs Spy


Simplify chords 

  			Em                                             G                   D 
Stonemasons                     	Are becoming things of the past 
Em                                             G               D 
The modern age                 		Is finally taking us over at last 
Em                                              G                   D 
Don't you wonder why?     		They're tearing all the old houses down 
Em                                              G                     D 
Can't they see?            		That they're the best places around 
C                  C D Em                 D      C   D   Em            D       C D Em 
    Don't tear it down, 		there's life in it yet	Don't tear it down 
History,					Is written deep in the walls
But the march of progress		Wants to pour concrete over us all
Craftsmanship,				The stone was cut by hand
Bulldozers					Are taking over the land
Don't tear it down, there's life in it yet
Don't tear it down, there's time for us yet,
Don't tear it down
SOLO: (single notes)	C B G E   C B G E   C B G E    E G A B C D   
		       		C B G E   C B G E   C B G E    E E E E 
Em G D    Em G D    Em G D     Em G D 
An expressway,				Is planning to come through our lounge
Eviction notes, in business coats		Never renovate, just tear it down
A nation's heritage,			They want to bring down without a sound
Another new town			On top of the real town:
Don't tear it down, there's life in it yet
Don't tear it down, there's time for us yet
Don't tear it down, there's life in it yet
Don't tear it down
SOLO: (notes behind the solo)	C B G E   C B G E   C B G E    E G A B C D 
C B G E   C B G E   C B G E    E G A B C D 
C B G E   C B G E   C B G E    E G A B C D  
C B G E   C B G E   C B G E    E E E E 
Intro riff is based around these progressions

Em chordG chordD chordC chordB chordE chordA chord