My God chords

Sion Alford


Simplify chords 

                   Bbm  Eb7                  Bbm  Eb7 
When the praises go up,     the glory comes down 
Bbm                     Eb7               Bbm  Eb7 
Lift up your voices and sing Make a joyful sound 
       Bbm      Eb7             Bbm  Eb7 
Praise loud - (Real Loud) - cry out 
        Bbm                     Eb7                 Bbm   Eb7 
Let the sound of His praise, be heard with a joyful shout 


Gb2                     Absus          Ab 
Don't be ashamed of the praise In your heart 
Bbm                 Absus         Ab 
Give God the glory, give God your all 
Gb2                        Absus    Ab 
And when you feel like you can't go on 
     Ebm                    F7 
Just lift up your voice and sing this song 

   Bbm      Eb7 
My God is a great big God 
   Bbm      Eb7 
My Lord is a mighty Lord 
   Bbm      Eb7 
My King is an awesome King 
Gb2                 F7 
He's my help in the time of need 


Bbm              Eb7 
Just like David, just like Joshua 
Bbm              Eb7 
Just like Moses, just like Daniel 
Bbm              Eb7 
Just like Shadrach Meshach Abednego 
I don't care what the devil may do, 
I'm gonna praise the Lord 
Bbm chordEb7 chordGb2 chordAbsus chordAb chordEbm chordF7 chord