Divine Whisper chords

Scott Brenner


Simplify chords 

  			Verse 1:
E                    A             E 
Softly and tenderly, LORD You are calling 
E                    A           E 
Purely and honestly, calling me Yours 
 E                     A           E 
Wooing me faithfully, LORD You are calling 
 E                    C#m          B    C#m    B 
Meekly and joyfully, calling me Yours 
          A           E 
Gentle Whisper to my heartbeat 
          A              E 
Gentle Whisper, You are mine 
           A                     C#m 
Fill this cup, LORD, with Your Presence 
   B       A          E 
Divine Whisper, I am listening 
         A           E 
Holy Whisper, I am Yours 
Verse 2:
Here in my loneliness, LORD, You are speaking
Calming and comforting, LORD You are here
Whispering promises, bearing my anguish
Speaking Your peace to me, healing my heart
           E                                                  Esus 
For Your sheep hear Your voice, and they know You and follow You 
Your sheep hear Your voice, and they know, and they respond 
Your sheep hear Your voice, and they know You and follow You 
©2001 Scott Brenner (Admin. by Scott Brenner Ministries)
All rights reserved. International copyright secured.
You found it at E-Chords
Submitted By: David Campbell
Ontario Canada

E chordA chordC#m chordB chordEsus chord