E E7 E 1. O -pen your ears, oh faithful people E E7 E Dm E O -pen your ears and hear God's word E E7 E O -pen your hearts, oh royal priest hood Dm E E7 God has come to you Am Am7 Am Am E God has spoken, to his people, Hal-le-lu-jah E E7 E E E7 Am Am7 And his words are words of wisdom, Hal-le-lu-jah Am Am7 Am Am Am7 E E7 God has spoken, to his people, Hal-le-lu-jah E E7 E E E7 Am And his words are words of wisdom, Hal-le-lu-jah E E7 E 2. They who have ears to hear the message E E7 E Dm E They who have ears then let them hear E E7 E They who would learn the way of wisdom Dm E E7 Let them hear God's word E E7 E 3. Is-rael comes to greet the Savior E E7 E Dm E Ju-dah is glad to see his day E E7 E From east and west the peoples travel Dm E E7 He will show the way 4. E E7 E 1. Open your ears, oh faithful people E E Dm E Open your ears and hear God's word E E7 E O-pen your hearts, oh royal priest hood Dm E E7 God has come to you