OBS: Os acordes com " " devem ser tocados primeiro de baixo p/ cima (ouça a música) G C G Mother do you think they'll drop the bomb G C G Mother do you think they'll like this song C G Mother do you think they'll try to break my balls? D C G Ooooh Aaaah Mother should I build the wall G C G Mother should I run for president G C G Mother should I trust the government C G Mother will they put me in the fire line? D C G Ooooh Aaaah is it just a waste of time G C Hush now baby don't you cry F C Mama's gonna make all of your nightmares come true F C Mama's gonna put all of her fears into you F C Mama's gonna keep you right here under her wing F C She won't let you fly, but she might let you sing F C G Mama's gonna keep baby cozy and warm D C Ooooh Baabe D C Ooooh Baabe D C G Ooh Baby, of course mama's gonna help build the wall SOLO: |------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |------13>(14)----13>(14)>13>12------------------------------------------------- |--12-----------------------------14>13>14-------------------------------------- |--------------------------------------------------5------5--4------------------ |--------------------------------------------2/7-------7--------5---3>2--3vvv--- |------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |-------------------------------------------------------12>(14)==>12>10---- |-------10>(12)=======>10--8--10>(13)---8------------x--------------------- |--2/7--------------------------------------9>8>9--x----------------------- |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- |---------10>(12)==>10>8--8>7--8>7---------------------------------- |-----x-----------------------------8------------------------------- |--x------------------------------------7---6---4------------------- |---------------------------------------------------5vvvvv--------- |------------------------------------------------------------------- |------------------------------------------------------------------- G C G Mother do you think she's good enough? for me? G C G Mother do you think she's dangerous tell me? C G Mother will she tear your little booyy apart? D C Ooooh Aaaah Cadd9 G Mother will she break my heart G C Hush now baby don't you cry F C Mama's gonna cheak out all of girlfriends for you F C Mama won't let anyone dirty get through F C Mama's gonn wait up untill you get in F C Mama will always find out where you've been F C G Mama's gonna keep baby, healthy and clean D C Ooooh Baabe D C Ooooh Baabe D G Ooh baby, C G you'll always be baby to me G C Mother did it need to be so high Qualquer dúvida, crítica ou sugestão, escrevam _______________________________________________________ Contribuição: Daniel Paulo Elias Schulz ([email protected])