A D E Nineteen D A D E Is not the age of reason. D Bm D I didn't have a reason A D E D For setting you free. A D E I've seen D A D E A lot of love go sour. D Bm D But that's not our love. Bm D(hold) You see the problem was A D E D I was only nineteen. Yeah, I was only nineteen. Finished up with high school. Headed for a state school. Wandered into you. Big screen Kissing in a movie. God, you moved me around. We got seriously down. But I was only nineteen. Bm All I ever wanted to do D Was lie around in bed with you. A D E I was only nineteen. D A D E I was only nineteen. D A D E I was only nineteen. D A D E I was only nineteen. I've seen A lot of love go bad now. That's not how our affair Would've wound up I swear. But I was only nineteen. Chorus I was only nineteen.