In Christ Alone chords

Michael W Smith


Simplify chords 

F         C      F         G 
In Christ alone my hope is found, 
   C        F           G         C 
He is my light, my strength, my song; 
   F         C        F        G 
this Cornerstone, this solid Ground, 
    C              F         G           C  
firm through the fiercest drought and storm. 
     C             F        C           G   
What heights of love, what depths of peace, 
     C             F         C          G  
when fears are stilled, when strivings cease! 
 F       C       F         G   
My Comforter, my All in All, 
  C            F      G       C  
here in the love of Christ I stand. 

  F         C        F          G 
In Christ alone! who took on flesh 
   C          F      G        C                     
Fullness of God in helpless babe! 
   F           C        F        G  
This gift of love and righteousness 
    C            F       G       C  
Scorned by the ones he came to save: 
    C            F      C      G  
Till on that cross as Jesus died, 
    C          F      C      G   
The wrath of God was satisfied - 
   F        C      F        G    
For every sin on Him was laid; 
   C           F         G      C  
Here in the death of Christ I live. 
    F           C       F       G 
There in the ground His body lay 
    C           F        G        C    
Light of the world by darkness slain 
    F           C        F         G   
Then bursting forth in glorious Day 
    C          F        G      C  
Up from the grave he rose again! 
   C         F      C    G  
And as He stands in victory 
      C           F      C         G   
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me, 
  F        C      F       G  
For I am His and He is mine - 
     C              F       G        C  
Bought with the precious blood of Christ. 
    F         C       F          G  
No guilt in life, no fear in death, 
     C         F      G         C  
This is the power of Christ in me; 
     F              C     F       G  
From life's first cry to final breath. 
  C     F           G    C  
Jesus commands my destiny.    
  C        F        C         G  
No power of hell, no scheme of man, 
  C         F        C         G  
Can ever pluck me from His hand; 
  F        C        F          G 
Till He returns or calls me home, 
    C          F        G           C  
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand.