C Away, ye gay landscapes, ye gardens of roses. F C G In you let the minions of luxury rove. C Restore me the rocks where snowflake reposes F C G C If still they are sacred to freedom and love C F C Yet Caledonia beloved are thy mountains, G Round their white summit your elements war. C Tho’ cataracts foam instead of smooth flowing fountains, C G C I sigh for the valleys of dark Lochnagarr. C Ah, there my young footsteps in infancy wandered. F C G My cap was my bonnet, my cloak was my plaid. C On chieftains long perished my memories pondered F C G C As daily I strayed through the pine covered glade. C F C I sought not my home till the days dying glory. G Gave place to the rays of the bright polar star C For fancy was cheered by traditional glory C G C Disclosed by the natives of dark Lochnagarr. C Shades of the dead, have I not heard your voices F C G Rise on the night-rolling breath of the gale? C Surely the soul of the hero rejoices. F C G C And rides on the wind o’er his own Highland vale C F C Round Lochnagarr, while the stormy mist gathers, G Winter presides in his cold icy car; C Clouds there encircle the forms of my fathers; C G C They dwell in the tempests of dark Lochnagarr. PLAYED SLOWLY C F C Yet, Caledonia beloved are thy mountains C G C I sigh for the valley of dark Lochnagarr… C Ill starred now the brave did no vision foreboding. F C G Tell you that fate had forsaken your cause C How were you destined to die at Culloden? F C G C Though victory crowned not your fall with applause. C F C Still were you happy in deaths earthly slumbers G Tae sleep wi’ your clan in the caves of Braemar C The pibroch resounds tae the pipers loud numbers C G C Your deeds on the echoes o’ dark Lochnagarr. C Years have rolled on Lochnagarr, since I left you F C G Years must elapse ere I tread you again C Through nature of verdure and flowers has bereft you, F C G C Yet still you are dearer than Albion’s plain C F C England, thy beauties are tame and domestic G To one who has roved on the mountains afar; C Oh for the crags that are wild and majestic C G C The steep sounding glories of dark Lochnagarr Repeat fading C G C The steep sounding glories of dark Lochnagarr C G C The steep sounding glories of dark Lochnagarr C G C The steep sounding glories of dark Lochnagarr