Tryin Stuff On chords

Jerry Reed


Simplify chords 

  			D I dug out your photograph from our old dresser drawer 
I set it on the table and I talked to it till four 
Then I saw your nightie on the G table by the phone 
D So I been sittin' a-{A} lone, tryin' stuff D on. 
Then I looked through your jewelry, for your clip on hoop ear rings
Your lipstick and your make-up, your accessories and things
Then I plundered throught your closet, till I found an extra long
And I've been sittin' at home tryin' stuff on.
D Trying stuff on, I'm tryin' stuff on 
Your six-inch heels and your Faberge co-{A} logne 
Yes, you D left me with your mem'ries and the G wardrobe that you owned 
D Now I've been sittin' at A home tryin' stuff D on. 
I put on your sequined ball gown and I checked the mirror there
Why, I look like Cindy Crawford, but with much more body hair
And then I thought, I'm much too cute, to sit here all alone
So I'm at happy hour with your stuff on.
A trucker made a pass at me, so I hit him with your purse
And the police stepped between us, before it could get worse
And then the nice policeman said, can I take you home
He didn't know it was me, with your stuff on.
With your stuff on, I got your stuff on
Your fish-net hose and your dress of pink chiffon
Oh, you left me with your mem'ries and the wardrobe that you owned
But I don't pay for drinks with your stuff on.

D chordG chordA chord