Gtr I (E A D G) - 'William "Bootsy" Collins - Bass' Intro Verses Q=101(16=s16) 4/4 Gtr I q q e S S +E E q e S s +E E S S E q q e S S +E E G|-----------5-(5)-8-|--------------5-8-5---||-----------5-(5)-8-| D|----5--8-----------|----5---8-(8)-------8-||----5--8-----------| A|-6-----------------|-6--------------------||-6-----------------| E|-------------------|----------------------||-------------------| q e S s +E E S S E q q e S S +E E q e S s +S S S S S S E G|--------------5-8-5---|-----------5-(5)-8-|----------------5---8-5----| D|----5---8-(8)-------8-|----5--8-----------|----5---8-(8)-8---8-----8--| A|-6--------------------|-6-----------------|-6-------------------------| E|----------------------|-------------------|---------------------------| q q e S S +E E q e S s +E E S S E q q e S S +E E G|-----------5-(5)-8-|--------------5-8-5---|-----------5-(5)-8--| D|----5--8-----------|----5---8-(8)-------8-|----5--8------------| A|-6-----------------|-6--------------------|-6------------------| E|-------------------|----------------------|--------------------| q e S s +S S S S S S E q q e S S +E E G|----------------5---8-5---|-----------5-(5)-8-| D|----5---8-(8)-8---8-----8-|----5--8-----------| A|-6------------------------|-6-----------------| E|--------------------------|-------------------| S S S S S S S S +S S S S S S E G|-----------------------5---8-5---| D|---------------------8---8-----8-| A|-6-----------0-------------------| E|---0-1-2-3p0---6-(6)-------------| Bridge q q e S S +E E q e S s +E E S S E S S S S +S S E S S S S S S S S G|-----------5-(5)-8-|--------------5-8-5---||------8-8-(8)---------------------| D|----5--8-----------|----5---8-(8)-------8-||o---8---------8-------------------| A|-6-----------------|-6--------------------||o-6-------------6-------------4-5-| E|-------------------|----------------------||--------------------6-5-4---6-----| S S S S +S S E S E S S S S S S S S S +S S E S E S S S S S G|-----8-8-(8)-------------------|-----8-8-(8)-------------------| D|---8---------8-----------------|---8---------8-----------------| A|-6-------------6-----------4-5-|-6-------------6-----------4-5-| E|-----------------6-5-4---6-----|-----------------5-4-6---6-----| S S S S +S S E S E S S S S S S S S S +S S E S E S S S S S G|-----8-8-(8)-------------------|-----8-8-(8)-------------------| D|---8---------8-----------------|---8---------8-----------------| A|-6-------------6-----------4-5-|-6-------------6-----------4-5-| E|-----------------6-5-4---6-----|-----------------5-4-6---6-----| S S S S +S S E S E S S S S S G|-----8-8-(8)---------------------| D|---8---------8-------------------| A|-6-------------6-----------4-5---| E|-----------------5-4-6---6-------| S S S S +S S E S E S S S S S S S S S +S S E S S S S +S E. G|-----8-8-(8)-------------------|-----8-8-(8)---------------------|| D|---8---------8-----------------|---8---------8-----5-6-7-(7)-8--o|| A|-6-------------6-----------4-5-|-6-------------6----------------o|| E|-----------------6-5-4---6-----|---------------------------------|| ************************************ Duration Legend W - whole; H - half; Q - quarter; E - 8th; S - 16th; a - acciaccatura; + - note tied to previous; . - note dotted; Duration letters will always appear directly above the note/fret number it represents the duration for. Duration letters with no fret number below them represent rests. Uncapitalized letters represent notes that are staccato (1/2 duration). | (n) - note tied to previous | p - pull off ************************************