Always in my heart chords

Glenn Miller


Simplify chords 

  			F#m    E7sus4   E7  D9 Dm6  Am7   D9   Am7 
You are  al -  ways in my  heart, 
E7       F#m7         Fdim     Am7  D9  Am7 
E - ven though you're far  a - way; 
E7    F#m7    Cdim      Am7   C#m7/5- 
I can hear the mu - sic of  
             F#7   Cdim       D 
The song of love I sang with you. 
E7     Bm7/5-    E7/6    D9    E7 
You are al - ways in  my heart, 
        Bm7/5-     Cdim      E7 
And when skies a - bove are gray 
E7     Fdim      Edim      D9 
I re - mem - ber that you care, 
   Bm7/5-     E7/9  E7  Fdim   D9      A     Edim   E7 
And then and there, the sun  breaks through. 
F#m     E7sus4  E7 D9 Dm6  Am7   D9   Am7 
Just be - fore  I  go to  sleep, 
E7        Am7         D9 Fdim  Am7  D9 - Bm7-5 - Am7 
There's a ren - dez - vous I  keep 
E7      Am7    F#m       Gdim 
And the dream I al - ways meet  
Cdim  A7 Cdim Gdim      Edim      Bm   F#7   Bm               
Helps me for - get we're far a - part. 
        F#7      Gdim       D     Dm6   E7 
I don't know ex - act - ly when, Dear, 
       Bm7/5-      Cdim      A     D9    A 
But I'm sure we'll meet a - gain, Dear. 
E7     F#m         Cdim    E7 
And my Dar - ling, 'til we do 
       Bm7/5-    Fdim     A 
You are al - ways in my heart. 

F#m chordE7sus4 chordE7 chordD9 chordDm6 chordAm7 chordF#m7 chordFdim chordE chordCdim chordC#m7/5- chordF#7 chordD chordBm7/5- chordE7/6 chordEdim chordE7/9 chordA chordBm7-5 chordGdim chordA7 chordBm chord