Injtro and Verse C Cmaj7 Am Am7 F G e|---------------------------------------5-5-----------------------------------| B|--8--x---12--12-12---5-x--8--8-8----x--6-6-6/-8-x--8-8-8---------------------| G|--9--x---9---9--9----5-x--5--5-5--5-x--5-5-5/-7-x--7-7-7---------------------| D|--10-x---10--10-10---7-x--7--7-7--7-x--7-7-7/-9-x--9-9-9---------------------| A|----------------------------------8-----------10-----------------------------| E|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| C Am F G e|---------12--12-12-------5--5-5----------------------------------------------| B|--8--x---8---8--8---5-x--5--5-5----x--5-6-6/-8--x--8-8-8---------------------| G|--9--x---9---9--9---5-x--5--5-5--5-x--5-5-5/-7--x--7-7-7---------------------| D|--10-x---10--10-10--7-x--7-------7-x--7-7-7/-9--x--9-9-9---------------------| A|---------------------------------8-----------10-x----------------------------| E|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Play this going into the Chorus Am G F G e|-------5--5-5-------------------5--5-5---------------------------------------| B|--5-x--5--5-5---8-x-8--8-8--6-x-6--6-6--8-x--8--8-8--------------------------| G|--5-x--5--5-5---7-x-7--7-7--5-x-5--5-5--7-x--7--7-7--------------------------| D|--7-x-----------9-x-9--9-9--7-x-7--7-7--9-x--9--9-9--------------------------| A|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| E|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| C Cmaj7 Am Am7 F G I know you probably think the same but i dont care C Cmaj7 Am Am7 F G Because anonymous voices are said to me another stab in the dark C Cmaj7 Am Am7 F G While I was searching for a message in a bottle in a bar Am G F G Its only that I am my own worse enemy C Am F G I dont have to love myself cuz she loves me C Am F G And i cant put away these thoughts til another day C Am F G I dont have to love myself cuz she loves me C Am F G Thats the way that these things work isnt it Solo e|--12b13r12--15--15b17r15--12-12--15b17r15-----------------15----15--15b17r15b17r15b17r15--| B|------------------------------------------12--12h13h15/17----17---------------------------| G|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| D|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| A|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| E|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| e|--19b20r19-15--15-17-15-17-15-13--12-13-12------------------------12--15b17r15------------| B|-------------------------------------------13--13-15-13--12h13h15-------------------------| G|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| D|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| A|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| E|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| C Cmaj7 Am Am7 F G I tried to live a better life but it only made things worse C Cmaj7 Am Am7 F G It brought itself a generation that feels cursed Am G F G Or so it seems I couldnt believe that there was someone else like me C Am F G I dont have to love myself cuz she loves me C Am F G Thats the way that these things work isnt it C Am F G She will do a better job anyway C Am F G I cant put away these thoughts til another day C Cmaj7 Am Am7 F G Blessed and cursed in equal measures but i never stick to meaurements in the end C Cmaj7 Am Am7 F G Thats how I ended sick to death of family and friends Am G F G telling me that I am my own worse enemy C Am F G I dont have to love myself cuz she loves me C Am F G And I cant put away these thoughts til another day C Am F G She will do a better job anyway C Am F G I cant put away these thoughts til another day ************************************ | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note | b Bend | pb Pre-bend | br Bend release | pbr Pre-bend release | brb Bend release bend ************************************