INTRO: E The Comancheros are B7 takin' this E land The Comancheros are B7 takin' this E land. E Paul Regret from A New Orleans A E fast man with a B7 gun He E didn't want to go he A had to run When he E shot down the B7 judge's E son Yes, he shot judge B7 (*Cobain's) E son. With the dark of night he left that town Never to return again With a one-way ticket at the end of the line He was told by a stranger man The Comancheros are takin' this land. B7 Then the Comancheros came a-{E} ridin' through the night B7 Stealin' and a-killin' takin' E ever'thing in sight B7 Nothin' left behind but the E blood and the sand The Comancheros are B7 takin' this E land The Comancheros are B7 takin' this E land. I'll cover every inch of the ground where I stand I'd die before I'd run I'm not afraid of any living man And here I'll make my stand With a gun I'll make my stand. He rode into the Comanchero town Like a wild man on the run Before he'd leave they'd all be dead They'd die by his blazin' gun They died by his blazin' gun. CHORUS Note. Some versions have (Scofield's)