CHORDS FOR VERSES 1,2 &3 G C6 D Em e|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|--12-12-12--10-10-10-10-10--5-5-5--5-5-5-5-5-------------------------------| G|--0--0--0---0--0--0--0--0---5-5-5--4-4-4-4-4-------------------------------| D|----------------------------0-0-0------------------------------------------| A|--10-10-10-----------------------------------------------------------------| E|------------8--8--8--8--8----------0-0-0-0-0-------------------------------| or like this G C6 D Em e|--7-7-7--5-5-5-5-5--2-2-2--0-0-0-0-0---------------------------------------| B|--------------------3-3-3--0-0-0-0-0---------------------------------------| G|--0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0---------------------------------------------------------| D|--------------------0-0-0--2-2-2-2-2---------------------------------------| A|---------3-3-3-3-3---------------------------------------------------------| E|--3-3-3--------------------------------------------------------------------| CHORDS FOR BRIDGE and OUTRO (heard best at 3:35) G C6 D Em e|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|--12-12-12--12-12-12-10-10--10-10-10--12-12-12-12-12-----------------------| G|--0--0--0---0--0--0--0--0---0--0--0---0--0--0--0--0------------------===---| D|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| A|--10-10-10-----------------------------------------------------------------| E|------------8--8--8--8--8---10-10-10--12-12-12-12-12-----------------------| verse G C6 D Em In the middle of the party G C6 D Em Found a hole to be sorry G C6 D Em Through the glass drank a memory G C6 D Em of her face verse G C6 D Em All the charm in the evening G C6 D Em Peridot television G C6 D Em Loveless another G C6 D Em daughter and mother Bridge G C6 D Em Shut the door she'll have no more another vodka cocktail party G C6 D Em Her story unravels like a ribbon in the windy distance verse G C6 D Em Schoolgirls were praying G C6 D Em Lace curtains fading G C6 D Em Fern of the forest G C6 D Em Dearly beloved BRIDGE G C6 D Em Hard to hear she spit on you and made your bloody nose more bloody G C6 D Em Shut the door she'll have no more another vodka cocktail party OUTRO G C6 D Em Totems in the night G C6 I want to forget D Em All that wasn't right G C6 I need to leave it D Em Totems in the night G C6 I want to forget D Em All that wasn't right G C6 I need to leave it D Em Totems in the night G C6 I want to forget D Em All that wasn't right G C6 She needs to leave it