Letting Go chords

Andre Matos


Simplify chords 

Intro:  C - G# - C - D# 

F           G#            C 
A brand new day at last is born 
               G       F D# D      F 
The first wave breaks on the shore 
     G#            D# D 
The sun is shinning bright 

F          G#           C 
Across the centuries of pain 
           G       F D# D  
My heart is rising again 
F      G#           D# D       
Did you hear all my cries? 

G# - G (toda essa parte) 
I'm on the edge to turn away 
I can´t explain 
But I dont want to be alone 
It´ in the air, it´ in my face, 
It´ everywhere                   G 
I 'd like to know how to carry on... 

Intro + D depois do D# 

F        G#         C 
I ask myself in the end 
         G  F  D#  D      F 
Was everybody just lying 
G#             D#  D             
Right from the start? 

F             G#            C 
And if you are longing to be free 
            G   F   D#  D  F 
You better think of a way 
            G#            D# D 
to find some love in your heart 

G# - G (toda essa parte) 
I'm on the edge to turn away 
I can´t explain 
But I don't want to be alone 
It´ in the air, it´ in my face 
It´ everywhere              G 
And now I know how to carry on 

Falling with the rain 
G#               C 
To meet you once again 
       D#  D 
Set me free 
Flying to ever more 
G#              D# 
But I won't fly alone 
          D               G#  A#  F 
Can´t you feel me letting go? 

Mais firulas dai entra guitarra em G 
Solo: C - G - C - G - F - C - D# - F 

A moment like a million more 
Let me hold you for a while 

Just strangers now or have we met before 
It´ up to you to treat me well 
or throw me on the floor 

D    D# D D     D#   D# F   G   F 
There´ a reason why we live and die 
F  F   G             G# G   F    D    F  
In the end only a footprint stay behind 

There's a time for love, time for pain 
Have you seen how pictures melt down in the sky 
           G# A# C# D#   
Letting go  
           G# A# C# A#  
Letting go 
           G# A# C# D# 
Letting go 
           G# A# C# A# 
Letting go 

Falling with the rain 
G#               C 
To meet you once again 
       D#  D 
Set me free 
Flying to ever more 
G#              D# 
But I don't fly alone 
          D               C 
Can´t you feel me letting go? 

C       G#      D# D 
    Ôuoooo Ôuoooo aaaaaa 

C (Até o fim)