Renegades Played By: 18 Hertz Music & Lyrics By Darrell Gilliard This song is played in the key of EM. Listen to the song on under the band name 18 Hertz and you will get a feel for the strumming patterns. I use a Strat and a modified Les Paul and new software I just got. The guitars are all recorded direct in straight from a preamp to the computer instead of micing the amps etc.... Peace.... Intro Riff: D------------------------------------------------------------------------ A--------------------7-------------------------------------------------- E---0---3/5-------5-------------------------------------------------- You play the individual notes open E, G slide to A then play the A5 bar chord using the low E 5th string and A string 7th fret. You'll then get the riff for the verses in the song. It's a pretty simple riff. This is the Chorus Chord Progression played with double down strokes on each bar chord as tabbed below. G----------------------------------------------------------------------- D---------9------7------5------7------------------------------------- A---------7------5------3------5------------------------------------- E----------------------------------------------------------------------- That's basically the rhythm parts for the song. The guitars are used to create the groove and the mood for the drums and the vocals. Verse 1 It was the 4th of September In my home town There was this group called the Renegades They were laying it down I had my girl on my shoulders Givin the band the eye When there drummer started looking back She told me goodbye Chorus Would you still love me If I told you some little lies You see I'm no different Than all those other guys. Would you still want me If I said the right things too I got to know the answer Or I'll never get over you Verse 2 I got my own band now Groupies are waitin in my car But I still think about you baby Wherever you are Would you still love me if I told You some little lies You see I'm no different baby Than all those other guys. Chorus