Intro: G verse 1 Em Did you know me C Long ago G D Were we close before the sorrow? Bm C If you thought of leaving any traces Am D G I'll be sifting through the broken places verse 2 Em Did I know you C Once upon a time G D You dreamed of me and now I'm Bm C Searching for myself in strangers' faces Am D G Stumbling onto further broken places verse 3 Em She turns purple C Am I blue G D Can't she fathom what I do Bm C Trying to get in her better graces Am D G Touching her in all the broken places verse 4 Em I get crazy C Not sure why G D Solace beckons until I Bm C Go tearing off again on wild chases Am D G Crashing into same old broken places Verse 5 Em I am young so C Who's to say G D But for now I have no way Bm C Of knowing how much healing time erases Am D G Certain of these secret broken places Verse 6 Em Can't there be a C Little breather? G D Our love is a real seether Bm C Two sore hearts, we plead our hapless cases Am D G Rendezvousing at the broken places Verse 7 Em I love you for C All of this G D Struggling towards happiness Bm C When the chips are down we play our aces Am D G Hiding them in our broken places