D F# F# F# E F# F# E F# | F# F# G F# G F# E F#) (notEs addEd to D chord) PEoplE say to sEE is to bEliEvE ThEn thEy just bEliEvE in that thEy can pErcEivE What thEy sEE is not thE total viEw FiltErEd bEtwEEn thE mE and you G F#m G But I'm tryinG so hard, just to tEll you I carE F#m Em C And I'vE wantEd so lonG, to tEar it all away, tEar it all away D F# F# F# E F# F# E F# | F# F# G F# G F# E F#) (notEs addEd to D chord) PEoplE say wEll you just had to bE thErE And all thE timE you know thEy'vE nEvEr bEEn thErE And it makEs mE sad to sit and think All thosE Empty souls arE nEarly at thE brink G F#m G But I'm tryinG so hard, just to opEn my EyEs F#m Em C To sEEinG somE thinGs, that tEar it all away, tEar it all away D(F# F# F# E F# F# E F# | F# F# G F# G F# E F#) (notEs addEd to D chord) PEoplE Grow up and lEarn to drivE somE car But I did that and it doEsn't GEt you far ThE thinGs you want arE nEvEr to bE found And in thE End it's all somE runninG round G F#m G But I'm tryinG so hard, just to kEEp to mysElf F#m Em C ThE thinGs that I hopE, will tEar it all away, tEar it all away G / / D7 / / G / / Em / / G / / D7 / / G / / D7 / / G / / Em D C D I thouGht you would know, I thouGht you would know D(F# F# F# E F# F# E F# | F# F# G F# G F# E F#) (notEs addEd to D chord) PEoplE say thEy think that thEy arE surE But thEn thEy turn away and don't Go back no morE What thEy saw was not thE pErfEct siGht Just thEir own facE rEflEctEd in thE niGht G F#m G But I'm tryinG so hard, just to tEll you it's now F#m Em C And I'm Gonna kEEp on tryinG, to tEar it all away, tEar it all away D F# F# F# E F# F# E F# | F# F# G F# G F# E F#) { } REpEat and fadE -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Put your problEms out with thE cat -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- WrittEn by: Mick AndErson [email protected] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Must bE lamb today causE bEEf was last wEEk =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-