Vinegar Stroke chords

Sunk Loto


Simplify chords 

Sunk Loto - Vinegar Stroke 
Tabbed By Shaun Fitzsummons 
Email [email protected] 
Low to High (C# G# C# F# A# D#)  
Verse 1 
||-6-*--4-*--7---3-3-4-0--|| play that part 4 times using the side of your pick3 
Verse 2 
||-6-*--4-*--7---3-3-4-0--|| x3 
||-6-6-6---4-4-4--7-7-7---3-3-3-4-0--|| play that once 
Verse 3 
||-6-6-6---4-4-4--7-7-7---3-3-3-4-0--|| play that three times 
||-6-6-6---4-4-4--7-7-7---3-3-3--**-------|| x1 
Bridge 1 
For this part with the weird noises just slide the side of 
your pick up the top string (above the pick ups), then for the higher 
sounds here just hit the bottom string with the side of your pick going 
down the string (above the pick ups) 7 times, then slide your pick up 
along the top string again, then hit the top three strings muted 4 times 
and then slide your pick down the second string. 
Verse 3 x1 
Chorus 1 
play that whole part twice 
then play 
||-6-*--4-*--7---3-3-4-0--|| x3 
||-6-6-6---4-4-4--7-7-7---3-3-3--**-------|| x1 
Play Bridge 1 again 
Verse 2 x1 
Chorus 1 x1 but, at the end let the (3) ring 
After this there are a lot of noises like in the bridge 
so just hit the side of your pick on the bottom string 
(above the pick ups) going up and down to get that effect. 
Chorus 2 
||-3-6--3-6--3-6--3-2--2-0-2-3--|| x3 
||-3 / 6--3 / 6--3 / 6--3-2-0-2-0-2-3--|| x5 
||-3 / 6--3 / 6--3 / 6--3-2-0-2-0-2-3--|| 
||-3 / 6--3 / 6--3 / 6--3-2-0-2-0-2-3--|| 
Bridge 2 
Verse 2 x1 
||-6-6-6---4-4-4--7-7-7---3-3-3-4-0--|| play that seven times 
then for the last bit play 
that's it!!