/ = slide h = hammer on p = pull off b = bend r = release bend vib = vibrato Intro ------ Riff: (played over A7sus4) E------------------------------------------- B------------------------------------------- G------------------------------------------- D----------------------------7----5--------- A---7-9-10---9-7-9---7-5---7----5-------5--- E-------------------------------------8----- then B/E A/D A/D G/C B/E A/D A/D G/C verse 1: -------- The main riff uses a "chord" made up of 3 notes, built by stacking up two intervals of a fourth. This chord/triad is played three times in each bar, and the shape is moved down a semitone (one fret) for the second strum, then back up for the third. You need to play the first two chords staccato (no sustain), but leave the third to sustain. This basic pattern is used throughout the verse, with the position of the "triad of fourths" moving up and down the neck. On the original, this part is played by guitar and doubled on the clavinet. I've written a m11 chord (in brackets) above the tab to indicate the overall harmony for the parts of the verse that use this "triad of fourths", but I havn't changed the chord name for each down/up shift of a semitone as that would have made the tab too cluttered. Note that for the other chord changes, the chord names again reflect the overall harmony, and not only what the rhythm guitar plays. There's a short 5-note riff that comes in during the verse in a couple of places. This riff is: E------------------------- B------------------------- G------------------------- D----8-9-10-----7--------- A------------7------------ E------------------------- It's played by the guitar and bass - I've indicated where it comes with Riff at the appropriate place in the lyrics. Main riff: ---------- (Am11) E---8-7-8------8-7-8-----8-7-8------8-7-8--- B---8-7-8------8-7-8-----8-7-8------8-7-8--- G---7-6-7------7-6-7-----7-6-7------7-6-7--- D------------------------------------------- A------------------------------------------- E------------------------------------------- (Am11) E---8-7-8--------8-7-8-------8-7-8--------8-7-8--- B---8-7-8--------8-7-8-------8-7-8--------8-7-8--- G---7-6-7--------7-6-7-------7-6-7--------7-6-7--- D------------------------------------------------- A------------------------------------------------- E------------------------------------------------- Cold, daring Riff no flies on me (Am11) E---8-7-8--------8-7-8---------8-7-8---------8-7-8--- B---8-7-8--------8-7-8---------8-7-8---------8-7-8--- G---7-6-7--------7-6-7---------7-6-7---------7-6-7--- D---------------------------------------------------- A---------------------------------------------------- E---------------------------------------------------- Sorry, angel Riff I must take what I see (Gm11) (Am11) E------------6-5-6----------8-7-8--------- B------------6-5-6----------8-7-8--------- G------------5-4-5----------7-6-7--------- D----------------------------------------- A----------------------------------------- E----------------------------------------- Green Earrings I remember Gm7 Am7 Gbsus2/Bb Bm7 (Bm11) E------6----8------9--------9---10--10-9-10--- B------6----8------9--------9---10--10-9-10--- G------5----7------8--------8---9---9--8-9---- D--------------------------------------------- A--------------------------------------------- E--------------------------------------------- The rings of rare de-sign (Cm11) A/B G/A E--------11-10-11--------9------------7------- B--------11-10-11--------10-----------8------- G--------10-9--10--------9------------7------- D------------------------9------------7------- A--------------------------------------------- E--------------------------------------------- I remember that look in your eye (Am11) E----------8-7-8------8-7-8-----8-7-8---- B----------8-7-8------8-7-8-----8-7-8---- G----------7-6-7------7-6-7-----7-6-7---- D---------------------------------------- A---------------------------------------- E---------------------------------------- I don't mind B/E A/D A/D G/C B/E A/D A/D G/C verse 2: -------- As above - except the rhythm guitar varies the main riff: E--8--7--8---11-12-----8--7--8---7-8--x-x--8--7--8---11-12----8-7-8- B--8--7--8---9--10-----8--7--8---7-8--x-x--8--7--8---9--10----8-7-8- G--7--6--7---11-12-----7--6--7---6-7--x-x--7--6--7---11-12----7-6-7- D------------------------------------------------------------------- A------------------------------------------------------------------- E------------------------------------------------------------------- Use this idea throughout the verse, with ad lib rhythmic variations. (The 5-note riff is played only by the bass in this verse, except for the one right at the end, after "I don't mind", which is played by bass and guitar) (Am11) Greek medallion Riff sparkles when you smile (Am11) Sorry angel Riff I get hungry like a child (Gm11) (Am11) Green Earrings, I remember Gm7 Am7 Gbsus2/Bb Bm7 (Bm11) The rings of rare design (Cm11) A/B G/A I remember that look in your eye (Am11) I don't mind, I don't mind Riff Instrumental: