AMama Pajama rolled out of bed and she ran to the police Dstation When the Epapa found out he began to shout and that's what started the investiAgationD A But it's against the lEaw, it was against the Alaw What the mama Esaw, was against the Alaw AWell the mama looks down and she spit on the ground Every time my name gets mentioDned And the pEapa says "Oy, when I get that boy I'm gonna stick him in the house of AdetentionD!"A And I'm on my Dway, I don't know Awhere I'm going I'm on my Dway, takin' my tAime but I dBon't know wEhere Goodbye to RDosie, Queen of ACorona SAee Eyou, me, and Julio down by the schoolyard See you, Ame, and GJulio Ddown by the EschoolAyard break: D D A A D D A E D D