Ainda não temos os acordes desta música, somente possuimos a letra.Colabore conosco, envie a cifra dessa música para gente!Clique aqui.Não encontrou a cifra que você está procurando?Diga qual é e nós adicionamos pra você!*People look to me and say Is the end near, when is the final day What's the future of mankind How do I know, I got left behind *Everyone goes through changes Looking to find the truth Don't look to me for answers Don't ask me--I don't know How am I supposed to know Hidden meanings that will never show Fools and prophets from the past Life's a stageand we're all in the cast Ya gotta believe in someone asking me who is right Asking me who to follow, don't ask me, I don't know I don't know--I don't know--I don't know Nobody ever told me I found out for myself Ya gotta believe in foolish miracles It's not how you play the game It's if you win or loseyou can choose Don't confuse win or lose, it's up to you It's up to you--It's up to you--It's up to you Solo Repeat*