Inicio: B Em B Em |---------------------------------| |---------------------------------| |--5-5------------5-5-------------| |--5-5--2-2-1-2---5-5--2-2-1-2----| |--3-3--2-2-1-2---3-3--2-2-1-2----| |-------2-2-1-2--------2-2-1-2----| "Runny nose and runny yolk".... Depois do primeiro verso entra o refrão: F# A F# A |-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------| |--5-5-5/8-8-8---5-5-5/8-8-8----------| |--5-5-5/8-8-8---5-5-5/8-8-8----------| |--3-3-3/6-6-6---3-3-3/6-6-6----------| "In the someday what's that sound?".... Segundo verso: B Em B Em |---------------------------------| |---------------------------------| |--5-5------------5-5-------------| |--5-5--2-2-1-2---5-5--2-2-1-2----| |--3-3--2-2-1-2---3-3--2-2-1-2----| |-------2-2-1-2--------2-2-1-2----| "Broken heart and broken bones".... Refrão novamente: F# A F# A |-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------| |--5-5-5/8-8-8---5-5-5/8-8-8----------| |--5-5-5/8-8-8---5-5-5/8-8-8----------| |--3-3-3/6-6-6---3-3-3/6-6-6----------| "In the someday what's that sound?"... Agora é o solo, ao fundo vc pode ouvir o Kurt recitando algumas frases que parece ser um poema, mais eu não consegui entender. |---------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------| |----------5-4-3-2------3-2-0-2---------------| |----2-3-5----------------------1-0-----------| |--3--------------------------------3-1-0-----| (A guitarra dele ta um tom abaixo, vc pode tocar uma casa antes, só q vc não conseguira tocar a ultima nota pq ficaria (-1). A solução é ou vc toca uma casa acima como ta na tablatura ai em cima, ou vc abaixa um tom na sua guitarra e toca a mesma coisa q ta ai acima um tom abaixo.) Depois do solo vem mais uma vez o refrão: Refrão novamente: F# A F# A |-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------| |--5-5-5/8-8-8---5-5-5/8-8-8----------| |--5-5-5/8-8-8---5-5-5/8-8-8----------| |--3-3-3/6-6-6---3-3-3/6-6-6----------| "In the someday what's that sound?"... Mais um verso, depois novamente o refrao: B Em B Em |---------------------------------| |---------------------------------| |--5-5------------5-5-------------| |--5-5--2-2-1-2---5-5--2-2-1-2----| |--3-3--2-2-1-2---3-3--2-2-1-2----| |-------2-2-1-2--------2-2-1-2----| F# A F# A |-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------| |--5-5-5/8-8-8---5-5-5/8-8-8----------| |--5-5-5/8-8-8---5-5-5/8-8-8----------| |--3-3-3/6-6-6---3-3-3/6-6-6----------| Agora é o ultimo acorde da musica, e acaba: B Em B Em |----------------| |----------------| |--5-5-----------| |--5-5--2-2-1-2--| |--3-3--2-2-1-2--| |-------2-2-1-2--| **************************************************** I Hate Myself and I Wanna Die (K.Cobain) Runny nose and runny yolk Even if you have a cold still You can cough on me again I still havent had my fulfill In the someday what's that sound? In the someday what's that sound? In the someday what's that sound? In the someday what's that sound? Broken heart and broken bones Think of how a castrated horsefeels One more quirky cliche'd phrase You're the one I wanna refill In the someday what's that sound? In the someday what's that sound? In the someday what's that sound? In the someday what's that sound? most people don't realize that two large pieces of coral, painted brown, and attached tohis skull with common wood screws can makea child look like a deer In the someday what's that sound? In the someday what's that sound? In the someday what's that sound? In the someday what's that sound? Runny nose and runny yolk Even if you have a cold still You can cough on me again I still havent had my fulfill In the someday what's that sound? In the someday what's that sound? In the someday what's that sound? In the someday what's that sound?