Helna chords

My Chemical Romance


Simplify chords 

lonG AGo... 
F                                                G                                               C  
burinG on just like the mAtCh you strike to inCinerAte.the lives oFF everyone you know  
A                                              G                                                  F  
AnD whAt's the worst thinG you tAke From every heArt you breAk like the blADe stAin 
F                                                 C                                                   G 
 we'll i've been holDinG on toniGht whAt's the worst thinG i CAn i thinGs Are better iF i sAy  
so lonG AnD GooDniGht AnD iF you CArry on this wAy it's better iF i stAy. 
F                                                    G                                                            C 
   CAme A time when every stAr FAlls brouGht teArs we Are the very hurt you solD  
     A                                                D                                                          D         
CAn you here me Are you neAr me CAn we just leAve then meet AGAin when Are CArs ColliDe