Bb Eb Cm F Bb Eb - F (2.parte) Bb Eb Cm F Bb Eb F Bb Gm We've paid in hell since Moscow burned Bb As cossacks tear us piece by piece F Our dead are strewn a hundred leagues Eb Though death would be a sweet release Gm And our grande armee is dressed in rags Bb A frozen starving beggar band F Like rats we steal each others scraps Eb F - Bb Fall to fighting hand to hand Eb Bb Gm Save my soul from evil Lord and heal this soldiers heart Bb Cm Eb I'll trust in thee to keep me Lord, I'm done with Bona (to beginning) Coda |: Bb Eb Cm F Bb Eb - |: -parte ______ ____ |1,2,3 | |4 F Bb Eb Cm F Bb Eb F Bb Bb