Ainda não temos os acordes desta música, somente possuimos a letra.Colabore conosco, envie a cifra dessa música para gente!Clique aqui.Não encontrou a cifra que você está procurando?Diga qual é e nós adicionamos pra você!Six bars laid across the sky Four empty walls to fill the time One careless word, you lose your life A grave new world awaits inside. Lycanthropic survival instincts Embrace the beast and shun the weak Awake the primal one that sleeps inside Or feel the shiv(er) running through your spine. The time is slipping by no peace in sight But the teeth of time still hold their bite. My hands are painted red My future's painted black I can't recognize myself, I've become someone else My hands are painted red. Schizophrenic amnesia Bid goodbye to all you knew and loved Forget the only life that you knew outside They bought the ticket, now you take the ride. The time is slipping by no peace in sight But the teeth of time still hold their bite. My hands are painted red My future's painted black I can't recognize myself, I've become someone else My hands are painted red. Another number quickly learns the rules A hidden burner waits to point at you A subtle gesture and you're ventilated Talk isn't cheap here, bleed out in payment. Six bars laid across the sky Four empty walls to fill the time. My hands are painted red My future's painted black I can't recognize myself, I've become someone else My hands are painted red.