Remember Me chords

June Christy


Simplify chords 

Edim  E7/13   E7  E7/13 A9  A 
 Rememer me,  remember me 
E7   A  E7/13 A  Cdim A6  A 
Just keep me  in your memory 
Bm5-/7 E7/9-      F#7 Edim Bm      Bm7/E 
 I'll ne'er forget  the day we we met 
        Edim     B7        E 
For the sake of auld lang syne 
Edim  E7/13      E7   E7/13     E7      A9       A 
Though we must part, there'll be no change of heart 
   E7    A       G/B  A7 D   Bm   
Through all the years to be 
      G6   G5   Gm7 Em7    D6    D    B7 
Aufweider seh'n,    we'll meet again 
Cdim  E7/9  E Gdim A7  G Edim D       
 So  please remember  me 
Edim chordE7/13 chordE7 chordA9 chordA chordCdim chordA6 chordBm5-/7 chordE7/9- chordF#7 chordBm chordBm7/E chordB7 chordE chordG/B chordA7 chordD chordG6 chordG5 chordGm7 chordEm7 chordD6 chordE7/9 chordGdim chordG chord