F6/9 D7/9- G13 Csus9 My ship hás sails that are made of silk C9 F6/9 D7/9+ Cm5-/7 Bm5-/7 Bb7 The decks are trim med with gold Am7/11 D5+/7/9+ Gm11 Bbm7+ Dm11 Abm7+ Gm7 C7/9- And of jam and spice there a paradise in the hold F6/9 D7/9- G13 Csus9 C9 F6/9 D7/9+ Cm5-/7 Bm5-/7 Bb7 My ship a glow with a million pearls and rubies fill each bin Am7/11 D5+/7/9+ Gm11 Bbm7+ Eb9/11+ Dm11 Abm7+ Csus9 F The Suns it high in a sapphire Sky when my ship comes in Csus9 I can wait the years till it apears Gm7 Bbm6 F7M Bm5-/7 One fine Day one spring E7/9- Am7 Dm7 But the pearls and such Am7 Dm7 Am7/11 D11+/13 Gsus9 G13 Csus9 They won mean much IF the remissing just one thing C7/13- F6/9 D7/9- G13 Csus9 I do not care IF that day arrives C9 F6/9 D7/9+ Cm5-/7 Bm5-/7 Bb7 Am7/11 That dream need ne beif the ship D5+/7/9+ Gm11 Bbm7+ Eb9/11+ Dm7 C7 F7M F#dim7 Gm7 I sing does nal sobring my own true love to me C7 F7M/9 Dm7 Bb7M Ebsus4 Eb7/9 Am7 Ab7/13 Gm7 C7/9- F6 If the ship I sing does nal sobring my own true love to me