Capo on first fret. In D May of nine-teen for-ty one the A war had just be-D gun The G Ger-mans had the big-gest ships that D had the big-gest guns (D) The Bis-marck was the fast-est ship that ever sail-ed the seas On her decks were guns as big as steers and A shells as big as D trees. Out of the cold and fog-gy night came the Brit-ish ship The Hood And ever' British sea-man he knew and un-der-stood They had to sink the Bis-marck the ter-ror of the seas Stop those guns as big as steers and those shells as big as trees. CHORUS #1 D We'll find that Ger-man bat-tle-ship that's A mak'in' such a D fuss We got-ta sink the Bis-marck 'cause the A world de-pends on D us GHit the deck a-run-nin' boys and D spin those guns a-round When we find the Bis-marck we A got-ta cut 'er D down. The Hood found the Bis-marck and on that fa-tal day The Bis-marck start-ed fir-in' fif-teen miles a-way We got-ta sink the Bis-marck was the bat-tle sound But when the smoke had clear-ed a-way the might-y Hood went down. For six long days and wear-y nights they tried to find her trail Church-hill told peo-ple put ever' ship a-sail 'Cause some-where on that o-cean I know she's got-ta be We got-ta sink the Bis-marck to the bot-tom of the sea. CHORUS #1 The fog was gone the sev-enth day an' they saw the mornin' sun Ten hours a-way from home-land the Bis-marck made it's run The Ad-miral of the Brit-ish fleet said turn those bows a-round We found that Ger-man Bat-tle-ship and we gon-na cut 'er down. The Brit-ish guns were aimed and the shells were com-in' fast The first shell hit the Bis-marck they knew she could-n't last That might-y Ger-man bat-tle-ship is just a mem-o-ry Sink the Bis-marck was the bat-tle cry that shook the sev-en seas. CHORUS #2 We found that Ger-man bat-tle-ship for mak'in' such a fuss We had to sink the Bis-marck 'cause the world de-pends on us We hit the deck a-run-nin' and we spun those guns a-round Yea! we found that might-y Bis-marck and we had to cut 'er down. CHORUS #2 <>(Last line)