Johnny Cash: Boa Constrictor Johnny Cash - Boa Constrictor A B I'm gettin' swallered, by Boa Constrictor A By Boa Constrictor, by Boa Constrictor A B I'm gettin' swallered, by Boa Constrictor A And I don't like snakes one bit. B What do you know (What do you know) A He swallowed my toe (he swallowed my toe) B Oh gee (oh gee) A He's up to my knee (he's up to my knee) B Oh my (oh my) A He's up to my thigh (he's up to my thigh) B Oh yummy (oh yummy) A He's up to my tummy (he's up to my tummy) B Oh fiddle (oh fiddle) A He's reached my middle (he's reached my middle) B Oh glum (oh glum) A He's mashin' my lungs (he's mashin' my lungs). Now look here snake, I don't look good with this long tail on me That's about all I can say snake except give me a break snake give me a break My torsos cold and is startin' to mold Boa Constrictor how much can you hold. B Oh yes (oh yes) A He's up to my chest (he's up to my chest) B Oh heck (oh heck) A He's up to my neck (he's up to my neck) B Nearly all in (I'm nearly all in) A He's up to my chin (he's up to my chin) B Oh dread (oh dread) He swallowed my.... schlirppp Burp Excuse me. ?' [email protected]