Intro: D C9 G D4 D D4 D D9 D Part 1: D C9 G D4 D D4 D D9 D D5 A5 D5 A5 D5 A5 D C9 G D4 D D4 D D9 Give me the sense to wonder To wonder if Im free D C9 G D4 D D4 D D9 Give me a sense of wonder To know I can believe D C9 Give me the strength to hold my head up G D4 D D4 D D9 Spit back in their face D C9 Dont need no key to unlock this door G C9 G D4 D D4 D D9 D D5 A5 D5 A5 D5 A5 Gonna break down the walls Break out of this bad place Chorus: e|--------------------------------------------| B|--------------------------------------------| G|----------6h7p6-4---------------------------| D|-4-5-7-7----------7-4---4-5-----------------| A|-2-5-5-7----------------2-5--2--------0-2-0-| E|---3---5------------------3--0--0-2-3-------| B5 G5 D5 A5 Can I play with madness The prophet stared at his crystal ball B5 G5 E5 Can I play with madness Theres no vision there at all B5 G5 D5 A5 Can I play with madness The prophet looked and he laughed at me B5 G5 D5 A5 D5 A5 Can I play with madness He said youre blind too blind to see Riff pre-solo: e|------------------------------------| B|------------------------------------| G|------------------------------------| D|------------------------------------| A|-7--7-7-7-5----5-/7--7-7-7-5----5-7-| E| ----------7--3-------------7--3-5-| e|--------------------------------------| B|--------------------------------------| G|--------------------------------------| D|/5--5-5-5p3----3--/5-5-5-5p3----3--5--| A|------------5--1-------------5--1--3--| E|--------------------------------------| Solo: e|------12------15-------15-----------------15b17-15b17~~-| B|-12h15---15b17---15b17----(17)~~-17r15-12---------------| G|--------------------------------------------------------| D|--------------------------------------------------------| A|--------------------------------------------------------| E|--------------------------------------------------------| e|-------------------------------------------------------| B|----------------------------------------------15b17~~--| G|-2b4-2b4-2-0----------12-14-14b16-14-12-14-12----------| D|-------------2-2-2/14----------------------------------| A|-------------------------------------------------------| E|-------------------------------------------------------| e|-------------------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------------------| G|---------15-17b19r17p15--17-15-------3-----------| D|-5-5--17------------------------5-5--3---5--5----| A|-5-5----------------------------5-5------5--5--\-| E|-3-3----------------------------3-3------3--3--\-| D C9 I screamed aloud to the old man G D4 D D4 D D9 I said dont lie dont say you dont know D C9 G D4 D D4 D D9 I say you pay for your mischief In this world or the next D C9 Oh and then he fixed me with a freezing glance G D4 D D4 D D9 And the hellfires raged in his eyes D C9 He said do you wanna know the truth son G D4 D D4 D D9 D Ill tell you the truth Your souls gonna burn in a lake of fire D5 A5 D5 A5 D5 A5 Chorus: e|--------------------------------------------| B|--------------------------------------------| G|----------6h7p6-4---------------------------| D|-4-5-7-7----------7-4---4-5-----------------| A|-2-5-5-7----------------2-5--2--------0-2-0-| E|---3---5------------------3--0--0-2-3-------| B5 G5 D5 A5 Can I play with madness The prophet stared at his crystal ball B5 G5 E5 Can I play with madness Theres no vision there at all B5 G5 D5 A5 Can I play with madness The prophet looked and he laughed at me B5 G5 D5 A5 D5 A5 Can I play with madness He said youre blind too blind to see (2x)