Give It All chords

He Is We


Simplify chords 

  			D  A  G         (D e A 1 tempo  G 2 tempos) 
I've had so many words 
but i had no courage
Now we're saying goodbye
Dont' want to miss you tonight  oh

G  A  G  A  G  A  D (troca de nota rápido pra acomp. Vocal) 
Tell me it's not over now 
G  A  G  A  G  A  G 
I can change your mind somehow 

D (2t)       G  (2t)                       (t= tempo) 
I  I give it all 
             Em  (2t)  D (1t) A  (1t) 
I trip and fall.. for you 
D                         G 
and I  hope you wouldn't mind 
               Em                   D 
Just one more try.. for something new 
         A         D 
i need you  i need you 

D  A  G 
Don't be shocked if i cry 
you've changed me inside
I turned my back on you
You were the only reason i pulled through  i pulled through

G  A  G  A  G  A  D (troca de nota rápido pra acomp. Vocal) 
Tell me it's not over now 
G  A  G  A  G  A  G 
I can change your mind somehow 

D  A  G  (D e A 1 tempo  G 2 tempos) 
My head feels so heavy 
My heart is so empty

D (2t)       G  (2t)                       (t= tempo) 
I  I give it all 
             Em  (2t)  D (1t) A  (1t) 
I trip and fall.. for you 
D                         G 
and I  hope you wouldn't mind 
               Em                   D 
Just one more try.. for something new 
         A         D 
i need you  i need you 
D chordA chordG chordEm chord