Music, Maestro, Please chords

Betty Carter


Simplify chords 


A7    D   D6    Edim     F#7             B7    Gdim       B7 
Tonight    I mustn't think of her music, maestro, please. 
   E7    G            G/B     A7/13- 
Tonight,    tonight I must forget 
      D9        D      A7  A7/9  G     G9     G   D9    A7/13- 
Those precious little hours      no hearts and flowers. 
A7    D   D6      Edim    F#7          B7      Gdim       B7 
Just play    your lilting melodies  ragtime, jazztime, swing, 
Cdim  B7  E7   G             G/B      A7/13- 
Any  old thing    to help me ease the pain 
A7   D     D6   G   Gm    D 
That    solitude    can bring. 

D7  D5+     D7/9 G       Em Fdim  Am    Am7    D7 D5+  G G/F#  E7 
She used to like waltzes,    so please, don't play a waltz. 
    Bm5-/7  E7 A     F#m        D9       E7   Em7  Em7/9 A7/13- 
She danced devinely,    and I loved her    sothere  I    go. 
A7    D   D6    Edim     F#7          B7   Gdim    B7 
Tonight    I mustn't think of her no more memories. 
    G   Gm   Gdim     D   D5+   B7 
So play  tonight I must forget. 
Em7     A7    A7/13-   D9  D  D6 
Music, maestro,    please. 
A7 chordD chordD6 chordEdim chordF#7 chordB7 chordGdim chordE7 chordG chordG/B chordA7/13- chordD9 chordA7/9 chordG9 chordCdim chordGm chordD7 chordD5+ chordD7/9 chordEm chordFdim chordAm chordAm7 chordG/F# chordBm5-/7 chordA chordF#m chordEm7 chordEm7/9 chord