Positivity chords

Ashley Tisdale


Simplify chords 

  			From Gwhere I stand IF# see 

FA Gworld of possibilF#ities 

FSo Adont be Fthrowing negative Aon Gme 

GOh Cbaby 


GLove is Chard 

Fbut thats alGright 

GGive it Ftime its Cworth the ride 

CYou Gknow 

FIts all in the way-Dhey you 

GYoure looking at Cme 

GIm looking at Dyou 

GWhat more do you Cwant 

GShow Fme some positiAvity 

GIts all that I Cgot 

GIts leading me Con 

GCant leave it aClone 

GShow Fme some positiAvity 

GYoure makin it hardCer Gthan it Fhas to be 

FSo Cwont you Fplease Cshow Fme 

GSome Apositivity 

Verse 2: 

FWish I could Gget into yourF# mind 

FSo I can Gsee if Im inF#side 

GCause I Cknow youre Aright Ghere in mine 

GOh Cbaby 

Oh Ohhhohoh 

GThe glass is Chalf full 

Anot Gempty 

FWhy do you Gthink you wont Cget none 

CYou Gknow 

FIts all in the way Dyou 

GYoure looking at Cme 

GIm looking at Dyou 

GWhat more do you Cwant 

GShow Fme some positiAvity 

GIts all that I Cgot 

GIts leading me Con 

GCant leave it aClone 

GShow Fme some positiAvity 

GYoure makin it hardCer Gthan it Fhas to be 

FSo Cwont you Fplease Cshow Fme 

GSome Apositivity 


FDont bring me down 

GWitcha baby Cno 

CIm on a Dhigh up Chere 

GAnd I dont wanna Alet go 

ASo Im gonGna Atell Gya one more time 

GYoure looking at Cme 

GIm looking at Dyou 

GWhat more do you Cwant 

GShow Fme some positiAvity 

GIts all that I Cgot 

GIts leading me Con 

GCant leave it aClone 

GShow Fme some positiAvity 

GYoure makin it hardCer Gthan it Fhas to be 

FSo Cwont you Fplease Cshow Fme 

GSome Apositivity 

GYoure looking at Cme 

GIm looking at Dyou 

GWhat more do you Cwant 

GShow Fme some positiAvity 

GIts all that I Cgot 

GIts leading me Con 

GCant leave it aClone 

GShow Fme some positiAvity 

GYoure makin it hardCer Gthan it Fhas to be 

FSo Cwont you Fplease Cshow Fme 

GSome Apositivity