only taking a guess here.. Chords: F F Am Em (repeated throughout whole song) F F Am Em E|-0---0----0----0---|| B|-1---1----1----0---|| G|-2---2----2----0---|| D|-3---3----2----2---|| A|-3---3----0----2---|| E|-------------------|| listen to song for strumming pattern, at the end of the F chord before changing to Am he strums on and off the G string (2nd fret), so: F E|-0-0-0-0---| B|-1-1-1-1---| G|-2-0-2-0---| D|-3-3-3-3---| A|-3-3-3-3---| E|-----------| VERSE: F Am Em so kind is the others, i feel change in the wind F Am Em the watch-tower man, turns and whispers me some things F Am Em he said we dont sleep, stuck in a dream F Am Em shot my baby with an arrow, in the wing F Am Em wounded, cut, bent and scarred F Am Em we got together F Am Em lost our love in a broke-down car | <- not sure of this line F Am Em to stormy weather F Am Em like the bird on the buffalo F Am Em like the bird on the buffalo-oh (BREAK) F F Am Em (x4) VERSE: So kind is the others, i feel change in the wind the light-house man, turns and whispers me some things we dont sleep, awake in a dream shot my baby with an arrow, in the rain us, you, me and them we got together CHORUS: like the bird on the buffalo like the bird on the buffalo-oh like the bird on the buffalo like the bird on the buffalo-oh OUTRO: like the bird on like the bird on a buffalo