It's Five O'Clock Somewhere chords

Alan Jackson


Simplify chords 

  			Chords used in this song:
The (D) sun is hot and (A7) that old clock is (D) moving slow 
And, (A7) so am I 
The (D) work day passes (A7) like molasses, in (Bm) wintertime 
But, (A7) it's Ju(D)ly 
Gettin (G) paid by the hour 
And (D) older by the minute 
(A7) Boss just pushed me (D) over the limit 
Like to (G) call him something 
(D) Think I'll just call it a (A7) day 
(D) Pour me something (G) tall and strong 
Make it a (A7) Hurricane before (D) I go insane 
It's only half past (G) 12, but I don't (A7) care 
(No chord) It's 5 o'clock, (D) somewhere 
(D) (G) (A7) (D) 
Well, (D) this lunch break is (A7) gonna take all (D) afternoon 
And (A7) half the night 
To(D)morrow morning, (A7) I know there'll be (Bm) hell to pay 
Hey but, (A7) that's al(D)right 
Ain't (G) had a day off now  
In (D) over a year 
My (A7) Jamaican vacation's 
Gonna (D) start right here 
If the (G) phone's for me 
You can (D) tell them I've just sailed a(A7)way 
(D) Pour me something (G) tall and strong 
Make it a (A7) Hurricane before (D) I go insane 
It's only half past (G) 12, but I don't (A7) care 
It's 5 o'clock, (D) somewhere 
I could (Bm) pay off my tab 
Pour my(Bm/A)self in cab and be (G) back to (A) work before (D) 2 
At a (Bm) moment like this 
I (Bm/A) can't help but wonder 
(Em) What would Jimmy Buffett (A7) do 
I'd say - (D) Pour me something (G) tall and strong 
Make it a (A7) Hurricane before (D) I go insane 
It's only half past (G) 12, but I don't (A7) care 
(D) Pour me something (G) tall and strong 
Make it a (A7) Hurricane before (D) I go insane 
It's only half past (G) 12, but I don't (A7) care 
(G) I don't care 
(No chord) It's 5 o'clock, (D) somewhere 
Ad lib and fade out
(This is how to play it with the capo on the 2nd Fret.)
The (C) sun is hot and (G7) that old clock is (C) moving slow 
And, (G7) so am I 
The (C) work day passes (G7) like molasses, in (Am) wintertime 
But, (G7) it's Ju(C)ly 
Gettin (F) paid by the hour 
And (C) older by the minute 
(G7) Boss just pushed me (C) over the limit 
Like to (F) call him something 
(C) Think I'll just call it a (G7) day 
(C) Pour me something (F) tall and strong 
Make it a (G7) Hurricane before (C) I go insane 
It's only half past (F) 12, but I don't (G7) care 
(No chord) It's 5 o'clock, (C) somewhere 
(C) (F) (G7) (C) 
Well, (C) this lunch break is (G7) gonna take all (C) afternoon 
And (G7) half the night 
To(C)morrow morning, (G7) I know there'll be (Am) hell to pay 
Hey but, (G7) that's al(C)right 
Ain't (F) had a day off now  
In (C) over a year 
My (G7) Jamaican vacation's 
Gonna (C) start right here 
If the (F) phone's for me 
You can (C) tell them I've just sailed a(G7)way 
(C) Pour me something (F) tall and strong 
Make it a (G7) Hurricane before (C) I go insane 
It's only half past (F) 12, but I don't (G7) care 
It's 5 o'clock, (G) somewhere 
I could (Am) pay off my tab 
Pour my(Am/G)self in cab and be (F) back to (G) work before (C) 2 
At a (Am) moment like this 
I (Am/G) can't help but wonder 
(Dm) What would Jimmy Buffett (G7) do 
I'd say - (C) Pour me something (F) tall and strong 
Make it a (G7) Hurricane before (C) I go insane 
It's only half past (F) 12, but I don't (G7) care 
(C) Pour me something (F) tall and strong 
Make it a (G7) Hurricane before (C) I go insane 
It's only half past (F) 12, but I don't (G7) care 
(F) I don't care  
(No chord) It's 5 o'clock, (C) somewhere 
Ad lib and fade out

D chordA7 chordBm chordG chordA chordBm/A chordEm chordC chordG7 chordAm chordF chordAm/G chordDm chord